The technical stack

From engineers to crocodiles

The smart contract

Because credit must be given, the smart contract is a direct fork of Baked Beans. The only minor modification we made was to add a minimal amount of transaction as baked beans would allow users to commit any amount of money, but if the commitment was too small, the CA would not give anything in return. We made sure that everyone will always have Crocos (and Eggs) in return of their investment.

We also have added a Boost system, making daily rewards up to 10%, details are yet to be disclosed.

Something to be added but is standard around these types of contracts: the reward pool is not accessible by any means, the dev fees can NEVER be increased and once deployed, the smart contract is immutable. The pool is not ruggable by any means.

The website, future ecosystem

Our enthusiastic front/back-end developers use a mixture of vue.js and moralis to power up the website, running CD/CI from github hook, making sure that any modification to the website has to go through a very strict process of PR reviewing and quick re-deployment for any new added features. Because yeah, they will come 👀

Telegram "bobby" bot

As the first stone of our ecosystem, we've made a "bobby" bot that will display the amount and current TVL of each sacrifce in the telegram

Last updated